A bicycle journey

For the past couple of years I've enjoyed traveling by bicycle during my holidays. At some point I found I had the urge to make a bigger trip, to a place far away. For various reasons I've decided to make this journey now (June 2023), and will spend approximately eight months on my bike.

The journey will start from my home country of the Netherlands, and will generally head in an easterly direction. I'll certainly reach Turkey, likely Iran, but after that not everything is set in stone yet.

A website

At the last moment in time I wrote some software that allows me to update my website while on the road. As it was developed in a hurry its pages and posts will be presented in a basic fashion for now.

I hope this website and its blog will serve two purposes. I've seen many cyclists' blog ending up with just one or two posts, so perhaps this one will suffer the same fate. Regardless I hope that firstly it will inform friends and family of my whereabouts. And secondly I've enjoyed reading many blogs before I went on my trip, and would like to contribute to that corpus.


Some people might want to contact me for some kind of reason. This can be done by e-mail. To prevent the address from being picked up by internet crawlers you'll need to follow these instructions: in English the activity I'm doing mostly is "bicycling". Drop the first two letters from that word. Then affix a "@", and finish the address with this website's domain name (without the "www", or the "http" parts, of course)