I thought it might be fun to keep some track of some statistics here. So far, I've:

- Cleaned my chain 13 times. Nice tip from another cyclist: you don't have to carry special degreaser, dishwashing soap will get the job done reasonably well. Regreased it a whole lot more since getting dry lube.

- Replaced my chain 2 times, replaced the cassette 1 time.

- Had 13 + x_T punctures (6 in Greece due to thorns on unpaved roads, 1 in Turkey due to something sharp on the side of the road then 4 more due to something sharp inside the tire, 2 due to truck tire wires, then an uncountable x_T punctures in Turkey as well).

- Had 0 major mechanical issues.

- Had 3 minor issues (broke my mirror, USB hub decided to stop working even though it was enclosed in a hardcase inside a drybag, mobile phone was unable to charge).

- Lost 9 items (a washing cloth, a tick removal tool, a boxershort, my headphones, my box of soap, my towel, my darned tent stakes, my rainpants, my gloves). How? I'm incredibly forgetful, and have a routine for everything. When something unexpected happens during a routine (being interrupted during a call with headphones in), I tend to forget to put things where they belong.

- Used up 8 liters of alcohol/spirits as fuel for cooking.

- Ate 9 kinds of fruit from the tree/plant (apples, grapes, prunes, blackberries, figs, kiwi, pomegranate, wild apples (?), dates).

- Cycled 120 km as the longest distance in one day (a very boring ride over Anatolian plains).

- Ascended 2300 meters as the largest vertical gain in a single day, when going partially up the Shar mountains from Prizren, going back to Prizren to fetch my forgotten ereader, thereafter making the full ascent of the Shar mountains.

- Descended 2000 meters as the largest vertical loss, when descending from the Gotthardpass.

- Stayed in place the longest for 10 days. This was in Ohrid to recover from a nasty case of food or water poisoning.